Management Software for Rent
We are experimenting a new way to sell our software, we could distribute it for rent, so you can use…
Stock Management Software
Computer programs for warehouse we help with products in our store, and in particular we will see how to do…
Barcode Reader for Calus
After several attempts we managed to find the right barcode reader for our software for warehouse Calus, it is an…
Reports on Sale of Stock
The work of this month on Calus Plus will focus on the inclusion of a new report on the sale…
Invoices with Details of the Goods
With the release of the new version of our free software for inventory management, we insert a new print template…
How to Earn with Sale of Software
From the experiences in the sale of licenses of my management software comes this little article that shows the result…
Dynamic Graph in PHP
With the GD graphics library for PHP is extremely easy to create drawings and we can also take advantage of…
Blog Become Mobile
After analyzing the data of the visitors I decided that this blog had also become movable type, now in fact…
Summarize Information with Data Wareouse
When the information in a database, there are very detailed data warehouse need to be able to summarize the essential…
How To Bring Out Website
I will not explain any particular technique, I would just, as I have done several times on this blog, make…